Adam's Digital Garden

Windows Shortcuts

General Spacebar/ Enter : Select hightled options



Win + Ctrl + Arrow : Next or previous desktop Win + Ctrl + D : Create new Desktop Win + Tab : Task View Win + Shift : Move windowto other monitors Alt + Tab : Task Switcher Alt + F4 : Shutdown menu Alt + Spacebar : Minimize/Maximize menubar submenu (Overwritten by PowerToys) Win + UP : Fill quarter and again to Maximize Window Win + DOWN : Restore down window Win + RIGHT : Snap window to right Win + T : Select applications on Task bar Win + K : Connect to device, like Bluetooth headphones Win + P : Change displays used

Win + B : Quicklaunch sub menu Alt + UP : Navigate up a directory Win + K : Connect to device shortcut Win + E : File Exlporar Win + V : Clipboard history Win + N : Universal disable Mic and Camera


F7 : Spellchecker Alt + F4 : Close window


Win + Ctrl + T : Lock Window to Always on Top. OneNote can overleap OneNote Alt + Space : Quick Lanuch


Ctrl + L : Focus omni bar Page Down : Select last result from search

Ctrl + Shift + O : Bookmarks menu Ctrl + Shift + K : Duplicate current tab Alt + LEFT/RIGHT : Back and forward F6 : Focus next pane Shift + F6 : Focus previous pane Alt + Left/right : Go back/forward



? : Show keyboard shortcuts C : Create page g, g : Focus Search bar g, d : Dashboard


/ : Jump to search bar


Shift + Return : Send Email Ctrl + Tab : Select Frames Ctrl + F : Forward email Ctrl + Shift + A : New Appointment Alt + S : Save and close Appointment Ctrl + Alt + 1 : Day view Ctrl + Alt + 2 : Work week view Ctrl + 1 : Go to Mail Ctrl + 2 : Got to Calendar Ctrl + E : Highhlight Search bar

Outlook Search Commands Isread:no : show Unread emails


Ctrl + Shift+ . : Insert current date Ctrl + Shift+ , : Insert current time Alt + Enter : Newline in cell Ctrl + Page up : Move to next or previous sheet Ctrl + Home : Move to A1 Ctrl + Tab : Cycle open windows


Add often used commands to the Quick Access Tool bar. Then Alt+# will activate the command

Ctrl + E : Search all notebooks Ctrl + Tab : Move through sections

Quick Access Toolbar: Custom Settings Alt+ 1 : Back Alt + 2 : Pan Alt + 3 : Forward

Window Behavior

Ctrl + Alt + D : Dock to Sidebar Ctrl + m : New Window F11 : Toggle Ribbon and Tabs Ctrl + Shift + T : Select Title of page

Ctrl + A : Select Line


Ctrl +Alt + H : Highlight line Ctrl + Alt + 2 : H2 format lines Ctrl + Alt + 0 : Normal Ctrl + ’ : Start numbered list Alt+Shift+F : Insert Full Date and Time Ctrl + Alt + Left : Decrease Indent

Alt + UP/DOWN : Jump to next page area Ctrl + PGUP/PGDOWN : Next Page in Section

Ctrl + Tab : Next Section Ctrl + Shift + Tab : Previous Section


¤> ii . : Open in file explorer, stand for Invoke-Item

Powershell ISE

Ctrl + I : Focus Script pane F5 : Run script


Ctrl + Alt + End : Login screen instead of Ctrl + Alt + Del Ctrl + Alt + LEFT Arrow : Escape Hotkey to desktop

F : Fullscreen video Space OR ; : Play Toggle J : Next song K : previous song R : Toggle Repeat Q : Open Playlist M : Mute Toggle = : Volume up


F6 : Toggle focus between page content and searchbar


/ : Search bar L : Edit Labels


Ctrl + . : List all shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + U : Start video call Ctrl + Shift + A : Accept incoming call Ctrl + Shift + H : Hang up Ctrl + Shift + Y : Allow from lobby Ctrl + Shift + M : Microphone mute/unmute


Ctrl + Alt + Pause : Toggle full-screen Ctlr + Alt + LEFT : Release keyboard from VM

Visual Studio 2019


F5 : Run Debugger/ continue after breakpoint Shift + F5 : Stop Debugging Ctrl + Shift + F5 : Restart Debugger F9 : Set Breakpoint F10 : Step over Breakpoint F11 : One step at a time Ctrl + F12 : Go to implementation F12 : Edit.GoToDefintion

Ctrl + Alt + E : Exceptions window, check which exceptions to stop for Ctrl + E, Ctrl + E: C# Interactive Shell

Add watch to variables to see what values they are given

Ctrl + G : Go to Line number Ctrl + ¨ : Search Solution Explorer


Ctrl + 0 , G : Open Git Changes window Find Ctrl + F : Find Ctrl + H : Find and Replace Alt + C : Case sensitivity toggle Alt + R : Replace next F3 : Next Result

Ctrl + Alt + L : Focus Solution Explorer Right: Unfold folder Ctrl + F4 : close pane


Ctrl + Tab : To select Test Explorer if open Ctrl + R, A : Run all Tests Ctrl + R, Ctrl + T : Debug Test Ctrl + R, T : Run select text

Ctrl + Shift + F: a super find way

Ctrl + æ : Developer powershell

Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C : Comment out code Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U : Undo Comment out

Ctrl + Tab : Cycle Tabs

CTRL-§, T : Show Task list window. A collection of // TODO in a project

C# Interactive Shell

Ctrl+E : Open Interactive Shell Alt-Up : Previous command


I : Insert mode A : Append D,D : Delete Line J : line down H : Cursor Left L : cursor right Shift + E : End of section P : Paste yanked text “0P : Paste yanked text again $ : End of line

Visual Studio VsVim Conflicts Ctrl + B : Build in visual Studio : Vim ? Ctrl + S : Save in visual studio is free by Vim :w

Commands :%s/foo/bar/g : write all foo with bar in the file :w : save file :u : undo